Cassette tape for recording phone calls

Call Recordings

100% of platform inbound and outbound calls are recorded (unless you select otherwise). Increase accountability, improve service.
Call Recordings

Record All Calls

How often have you had resident allege a staff member or courtesy officer said something they didn't say? If you have a recording, then you can immediately bypass any confusion and get straight to the bottom line. With Courtesy Connection's call recordings, you have the tools to increase staff accountability and improve customer service.

Likewise, if you ever feel you're not getting the full story from a resident, then, now, you never have to guess.

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If you'd like more information on what Courtesy Connection can do for your communities, then give us a ring at 678.829.4478, email us at [email protected], or enter your info below. We're happy to send over references, perform a demo, or explore a pilot.